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Telecommunication Cable Hauling

Pillar Installation

Telecommunication cables are a type of guided transmission mediums. Cables are usually known to transmit electric energy (AC/DC) but in telecommunications fields, cables are used to transmit electromagnetic waves, called electromagnetic wave guides. Telecommunications are based on transmitting modulated waves/signals through a medium and receiving them. Telecommunication cables are divided into several types With proper hauling gear be it underground or above ground our experienced personel take that extreme care to get the tasks done on time. We always have you our customers in mind to communicate at ease with the entire world. 


Here in Australia we are undertaking significant upgrades to improve reliability and to increase electrical capacity in our network. Some areas of our network are supplied by underground cables (rather than power poles and overhead wires) and at times these cables need to be replaced or upgraded. The installation of pillars provides many advantages over the older system previously used including: Faster restoration of supply to the majority of customers during electrical outages. Additional capacity in the local area.  A safer way to operate the nationwide network. • Greater flexibility in the communications network.  Greater network reliability.


Splicing of Copper cables

Testing and Fault Finding

There are many techniques available to splice copper wires together. Plastic wire connectors are found in every home, but they are not the only copper wire splicing option available. Other options include terminal blocks, split bolt connectors, splicer reducers, butt splice connectors and crimp connectors. Different options are more appropriate for different situations depending on wire sizes and thicknesses. 


An Optical Time-domain Reflectometer (OTDR) is a highly sophisticated piece of equipment that is used to test and fault find Optic Fibre cable. Our specialist Fibre Technician is able to precisely pinpoint any bends, breaks, twists, crushes and poor connections along your cabling.

Small losses caused by imperfections can add up to major data loss problems, which have a significant impact on the performance of your network. Call SAF and we can locate all your faults and in the majority of cases, they can be fixed without cable replacement.

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